Wellness Parent Coaching
In the age of information overload, let’s stick to our roots: the science of child development and the human body and brain.
Have you ever wished there was a manual for parenting?
These days, parents are faced with too much information. A single parenting question can be answered by Google, social media, your neighbor, or probably even Alexa (although I don’t know that for sure). Well-meaning parents are simply trying to educate themselves to inform relevant decisions about how to raise their small humans. Unfortunately, parents are often left with the endless filtration of opinions, fad perspectives, and sometimes downright misinformation. The truth is, every child is different and there is no single parenting practice that is the best, and of course we all want the best for our children.
Just the other day when I was at a park with my boys, I met a mother of two children. Her daughter was learning to ride a two-wheeled bike, and she pondered whether using training wheels was the right choice or if she should have bought her child a balance bike. She was an educated, caring mom who was “should-ing” and questioning herself. I shared about my experience as a pediatric OT, and we discussed how there is no single right answer. Did her child need to practice finding her center of gravity? Or did her girl need to figure out how to coordinate movement of the two sides of her body more? There are so many questions we must ask ourselves before we arrive to the answer that is correct for a single, unique child.
In this era of information overload, I am here as a guide through science, from a perspective that is evidence-based and helps empower parents to identify the best ways to help their child develop optimally. Whether you’re looking for one session or 10, I would welcome the opportunity to work with you.