About Cassie


Cassie Wilcox received her Master of Science in Occupational Therapy from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2011. Despite her plans to enter the orthopedic realm of OT, the world of sensory integration (SI) would find her during graduate school. She would work in the research lab of one of the field’s leaders, Dr. Julia Wilbarger, and went on to work under Sheila Frick, a mastermind in SI, for five years as a graduate student and OT. In the outpatient setting, Cassie has worked with clients across the lifespan—from babies to adults—who have experienced challenges associated with being “differently wired” including: twice exceptional (i.e., 2e), sensory processing difficulty, anxiety, autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, and dyspraxia.

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Cassie’s practice involves integration of a wide range of skills, tools, and programs including:

  • Auditory interventions: Therapeutic Listening®, Quickshifts®, Forbrain®

  • Feeding therapy: Ellyn Satter Feeding Dynamics Model, Sequential Oral Sensory Approach to Feeding (SOS), Kelly Dorfman’s E.A.T. Approach

  • Bodywork: Rhythmic Movement Training™ (RMT), Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration (MNRI®), intuitive work on the myofascial system

  • Certified Mental Health Integrative Medicine Provider (CMHIMP)

  • Astronaut Training®

  • Trauma Release Exercises (TRE®)

  • Theraplay®

  • Other tools/strategies Cassie uses regularly include: Interactive Metronome®, Brain Gym®, Bal-A-Vis-X

Cassie’s development as a therapist has paralleled her personal life journey. As a child, Cassie had unidentified sensory processing challenges and went on to become an adolescent and young adult with mood regulation difficulties. She experienced first-hand how sensory integrative treatment can change a person’s life for the better. It wasn’t until halfway through her career that Cassie would begin a new journey of wellness to heal and recover from chronic illness. She has walked the path of optimizing nutrition, supporting detoxification, managing stress, implementing mindful movement, reshaping meaningful relationships, and achieving a growth and abundance mindset all in the name of physical and emotional well-being. Today, Cassie is a mother of two young boys, and despite the full lifestyle that her and her husband lead, she has the energy, mental clarity, and pain-free body she needs to feel alive.

Through her personal and professional experiences, Cassie has developed a passion for addressing all areas that are impacted by being “differently wired.” Today, she is mainly influenced by the perspectives of Sensory Integration Theory, Interpersonal Neurobiology, and Psychoneuroimmunology. In other words, Cassie is inspired by a practice that considers how a person’s body, brain, mind, relationships, environment, and past experiences impact our daily life. She strives to help clients and families identify the true root cause of behavioral and/or functional issues whether it be related to sensory, trauma, food/nutrition, interpersonal, intrapersonal, or environmental factors.

Cassie would love to accompany you on a journey to find your own wishing well of hope for a lifetime full of physical, cognitive, and emotional wellbeing for you or a child you love.